Face the challenges of life head-on with the right tools & resources

Individual Therapy

Our therapists understand the unique challenges faced by individuals with OCD and anxiety disorders and are dedicated to helping them overcome their difficulties. They create a safe and nonjudgmental environment where clients can openly discuss their concerns and fears. Our team uses a personalized approach, tailoring treatment plans to meet the specific needs and goals of each individual.

Through a combination of therapy techniques, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), exposure and response prevention (ERP), and mindfulness-based interventions, our therapists empower clients to effectively manage their OCD symptoms and anxiety. They work collaboratively with clients to identify and challenge unhelpful thoughts, develop coping strategies, and gradually face their fears in a controlled and supportive manner.

Family Therapy

At our group practice, we understand that obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can have a profound impact not only on the individual, but also on their loved ones. That’s why we offer a range of services, including individual therapy sessions and family sessions, to educate and assist clients in their journey towards managing and overcoming OCD.

We also recognize the importance of involving family members in the treatment process. OCD can have a significant impact on family dynamics and relationships. Our family sessions aim to educate and support family members, equipping them with a deeper understanding of OCD and its effects. By involving the entire family in the treatment process, we foster a supportive and cohesive environment that encourages open communication, empathy, and shared responsibility in managing OCD.

In our family sessions, we provide education about OCD, its causes, and treatment options. We offer guidance on how family members can provide support to their loved ones, while also taking care of their own well-being. We believe that a strong support system is crucial in helping individuals with OCD navigate their challenges and make lasting progress.
Our group practice is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest research and advancements in OCD treatment.
If you or your loved one is struggling with OCD, we invite you to reach out to our group practice. Our dedicated team is here to provide compassionate, individualized care that empowers clients to overcome their OCD symptoms and live a more fulfilling life.

Accelerated CBT/ERP

Our individual accelerated therapy for OCD is a specialized service designed to provide personalized and intensive treatment for individuals seeking fast and effective relief from obsessive-compulsive disorder. Patients will receive multiple therapy sessions per week for 1.5 hours, allowing for a more concentrated and immersive treatment experience. ***This service is not covered by the insurance company.

Clinical Supervision

We offer clinical supervision at our group practice for interns and clinicians to provide guidance and support in their professional development. We utilize a collaborative approach to help interns and clinicians enhance their clinical skills, develop their therapeutic style, and navigate ethical and legal considerations in their practice.

Areas of Expertise

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Anxiety Disorders & Depression.

We pride ourselves on being more than just someone to listen, but someone to help you look at things a different way.

It all starts with a healthy mind, and a fresh perspective. From there, focusing on your well-being, mental and emotional health, and physical wellness comes into play like never before. You’re taking the first steps on a journey, but you’re not taking them alone.

Whatever obstacles and struggles someone may be going through in life, We consider it a privilege to help you deal with. We understand that the patients we see are entrusting us to give them the right resources to guide them down a new path, with a new perspective, so they can achieve their own goals. With a healthy balance of listening, guiding, and even learning, We take pride in using our own experiences and resources to help people really start off on the right foot on that path.

Whether you, or someone you know struggles with something like OCD, Anxiety Disorders, Depression etc, or simply wants a different outlook on their life, it’s something to work through together, and by setting up a consultation, we can get started.

Areas of expertise:

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Social Anxiety
Panic Disorders
Health Anxiety
Body Dysphoria Disorder
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Other areas of specialty

Addictions Specialist
School refusal
Family Conflict
Impulsivity Disorders
Mood Disorders
Life’s Changes
Co occurring Disorders

What you need to know about OCD:

OCD Is a complex psychological condition or a mental health disorder that affects people of all ages and walks of life, and occurs when a person gets caught in a cycle of Obsessions and Compulsions?

Obsessions are unwanted, intrusive thoughts, images or urges that trigger intensely distressing feelings which makes people lack control over their daily lives.

Compulsions are behaviors an individual engages in to attempt to get rid of the obsessions and/or decrease his or her distress. People who suffer from this condition experience a degrade in their quality of life. A lot of people with OCD suffers in silence without knowing that their condition is caused by the neurobiological problem. 
OCD can be treated with the right approach and appropriate treatment which ensures changes in the brain by weakening the old neurological pathways and strengthening new ones.

This approach allows the brain to function in a more stable manner. Research keeps unfolding new information to better understand and treat OCD, which is a good thing.

After treatment, People with OCD condition will benefit from a significant symptoms relief. The best treatment for OCD is CBT Exposure Response Prevention, medication and we also utilize Mindfulness, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy (CBT) is often combined with behavior therapy.  It is tailored to maneuver the thoughts channeling fears to the patients. This helps them understand that their rituals will not eliminate or be a preventive measure against any occurrence of catastrophe.

Types of OCD content


Currently suffering from OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
Recurring unwanted or intrusive thoughts about your own sexuality
Constantly reassuring yourself that you are straight
Avoiding people of your same gender due to anxiety or unwanted fears that you might be gay
Worrying that you might be sending out “signals” that will make others think you are gay
Homosexual thoughts are repulsive to you, rather than arousing
Feeling no attraction to your same sex
Repeating an action because you worry that you might have done something in a way that makes others think you are gay.

Harm OCD

Is a manifestation of OCD in which individual experiences intrusive, unwanted, distressing thoughts of causing harm to themselves or to others. These harming thoughts are perceived as being ego-dystonic, which simply means that the thoughts are inconsistent with the individual’s values, beliefs and sense of self. Harming obsessions typically center around the belief that one must be absolutely certain that they are in control at all times in order to ensure that they are not responsible for a violent or otherwise fatal act.
Harm OCD generates thoughts whose presence and frequency is debilitating. They are far more upsetting than occasional images or thoughts of violence. They are repetitive, graphic and can get in the way of completing simple, day-to-day tasks.

Responsibility OCD

Responsibility OCD is a subtype of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) characterized by intrusive thoughts, obsessions, or fears related to being responsible for harm or causing negative consequences. Individuals with responsibility OCD often experience excessive guilt, anxiety, and a strong need to prevent harm or avoid making mistakes.

People with responsibility OCD may constantly worry about unintentionally causing harm to themselves or others, violating moral or ethical standards, or being responsible for catastrophic events. They may engage in repetitive behaviors or mental rituals to alleviate their anxiety, such as seeking reassurance, confessing, or checking for signs of harm.

Common obsessions in responsibility OCD may include fears of causing accidents, harming loved ones, making a moral or religious mistake, or being responsible for a negative outcome due to a lack of perfection. These obsessions can be distressing and time-consuming, leading to significant impairment in daily functioning and overall quality of life.

Scrupulosity OCD

A form of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder involving religious or moral obsessions. Scrupulous individuals are overly concerned that something they thought or might be a sin or other violation of religious or moral doctrine.
It is often difficult to differentiate between people of strong religious faith and those whose intense a religious observance is actually a form of

OCD called Scrupulosity.

There are a lot of people with a high level of commitment to their religious, moral, or ethical standards and try to be as “good” as they can.  In some cases, individuals are hard on themselves, constantly demanding more religious or moral perfection in their daily lives, but they don’t actually have OCD.  Sufferers of Scrupulosity, by contrast, have persistent, unwanted thoughts and beliefs (obsessions) about not being moral or devout enough, even though there is no evidence to support their fears.  They are convinced that they have sinned in the past or will sin in the future, will disappoint God, or be punished if they fail to be “good enough.”

Relationship OCD (ROCD)

Is a form of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in which the sufferer experiences intrusive, unwanted and distressing thoughts about the strength, quality, and “true nature” of their love for their partner?

People suffering from ROCD are often unhappy with their relationship or they can point out that they are simply not that in love with their partner.

Having doubts or concerns about your partner is normal. Everyone experiences them. However, for ROCD sufferers, these thoughts can be irrational, unfounded and detrimental to day-to-day life.

Contamination OCD

Contamination OCD, also known as OCD with contamination obsessions, is a specific subtype of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). It is characterized by persistent and intrusive thoughts, fears, or obsessions related to contamination or the fear of being contaminated.

Individuals with contamination OCD often experience intense anxiety or distress when they come into contact with perceived contaminants, such as germs, dirt, chemicals, or bodily fluids. They may have irrational beliefs or exaggerated concerns about the potential harm or consequences of contamination. These obsessions can be accompanied by compulsive behaviors or mental rituals that are performed as a way to alleviate anxiety or prevent contamination.

Common symptoms of contamination OCD include:

1. Excessive handwashing or use of hand sanitizers.
2. Avoidance of public places or situations perceived as dirty or contaminated.
3. Excessive cleaning or disinfecting of personal belongings or living spaces.
4. Avoidance of physical contact with others.
5. Intrusive thoughts or fears of contamination, even in situations where it seems unlikely.
6. Repeated checking behaviors to ensure cleanliness or safety.
7. Need for reassurance from others about cleanliness or safety.
8. Difficulty functioning or engaging in daily activities due to contamination-related obsessions and rituals.

Perinatal / Postpartum OCD

OCD that occurs immediately after childbirth is called postpartum OCD- OCD that occurs during pregnancy is called perinatal OCD. Research shows that women who are pregnant, or who have recently given birth, are at an increased risk of developing OCD symptoms. If they already have OCD, the obsessions and compulsions may worsen during this time. Because these two forms of OCD are very similar, we refer to them collectively as “POCD”

The increase in the frequency of OCD is likely to be related to the fact that pregnancy and early parenthood is a time when mums are naturally focused on the safety of their developing child and feel uniquely responsible for them.

Most women become a lot more concerned about protecting their baby and about how their actions can impact on their unborn child. It is also a time of increased stress, major physical change and transition to a new role which can increase vulnerability to developing difficulties.

Some fathers may also experience postnatal OCD because of their feeling of responsibility to protect their new baby.

Child and Adolescent OCD

Although children and adults experience many of the same obsessions and compulsions, children often express their disorder in special ways. Unlike adults, children may not recognize that their obsessions are senseless and that their compulsions are excessive. Very young children try to explain away their habits as being ” silly” or “necessary.” Children and adolescents with OCD more often involve family members in their rituals.
Due to the rare nature of OCD in children, it is often misdiagnosed and mistaken as depression. One Out of 200 children will suffer OCD, so it’s difficult to diagnose.

In addition to the distraction from normal childhood development that this illness brings.  Fortunately, progress is being made in understanding the genetic and biologic underpinnings of the disorder.  These advances will ideally lead to improved approaches for preventing, treating and, eventually, potentially curing this common childhood disorder.

Hypochondria / Health Anxiety

Health anxiety (sometimes called hypochondria) is excessive worrying about your health, to the point where it causes great anxiety/panic and affects your everyday life.

Despite medical attention and reassurance, people with health anxiety either believe they already have a devastating illness or are in imminent danger of catching one. Seeking reassurance from doctors or the Internet might provide temporary relief, but the fear of illness returns. Symptoms must last a minimum of six months and interfere with daily living for a diagnosis to be made.


Involves recurrent, irresistible urges to pull out hair from your body. The urges involve pulling out hair from the scalp, eyebrows, or other areas of the body.
For some people, trichotillomania may be mild and generally manageable. For others, the compulsive urge to pull hair is overwhelming. Some treatment options have helped many people reduce their hair pulling or stop entirely.

We also treat:

Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)

Individuals with BDD suffer from obsessions about their appearance that can last for hours or up to an entire day. Hard to resist or control, these obsessions make it difficult for people with BDD to focus on anything but their imperfections. This can lead to low self-esteem, avoidance of social situations, and problems at work or school.
A person with BDD may feel that they cannot go out in public unless they have hidden the problem area in some way with clothing, make-up or covering with hair. This can seriously affect a person’s quality of life affecting both employment and relationships
Sufferers of BDD may also experience periods of depression, anxiety, and even suicidal thoughts because of their preoccupation with the perceived flaw.